Anti-Jewish Policy – March 1933 Speech by Goering, Essen, 11 March 1933. Source: " Juedische Rundschau" , 12 March 1933. I have started to clean up, but it is far from done. For us, there are two parts to the people: one that pledges its commitment to the Volk the other that wants to destroy and to disrupt. I thank my Maker that I don't know what objectivity is. I am subjective. I am committed to my Volk , and reject anything else. If you say that the population is in a terrible uproar because the Jewish department stores are temporarily closed, so I ask, isn't it natural that we Germans finally declare: don't buy from Jews, but from German people. I will engage the police ruthlessly where the German people are being harmed. But I refuse to have the police become the defender of Jewish department stores. This madness where every crook can call the police has to stop. It is not the role of the police to protect thieves, crooks, profiteers and traitors. When they say that here and there one has been taken and abused, we can only answer: you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. We have announced the day of reckoning with the traitors for some years. Do not demand justice, there could be a justice that is written in heaven and not in your laws. And when this justice will come, it will be your end. One complains of the suppression of newspapers. Are you surprised? I am surprised they still exist. I would be untrue to my responsibilities if I would permit the continued pouring of this poison into the people. We may make many mistakes, but we will do our job and not lose our nerve. I'd rather shoot too far or off the mark, but at least I will keep shooting.... When we speak of the former rule we speak of the three internationals: the black international, the red international and the yellow international of the Jewish finance capital. We have chased them from the political power bases, now we have to storm their last bastion.